Diameter: 3.8mm
Average Break load (kg): 619
Weight (kg / 100m): 0.89
Tιμή 7.5€ / 1m
Lightweight, reduces the weight of the rig. High strength will easily take the strain and power of modern rigs Durable - Abrasion resistant Dyneema does not easily wear out on cleats and cringles Very low stretch - keeps the rig perfectly set High performance rope for windsurfers
Formuline is world renowned by windsurfers - the first and still the best line specifically designed for use on windsurf downhauls and outhauls. Formuline is the perfect diameter to fit most rigs and won't let you down - the ultimate rope for windsurfer downhauls and outhauls. High strength, light weight and incredibly durable.
CONSTRUCTION: 12 Strand Dyneema SK78